The App Store shows reviews only for the country you’re signed in from, so I thought it might be interesting to share the reviews you can’t normally see.

Pure Genius ★★★★★ [Australia]
In an increasingly popular 'cyoa' genre, KoDP stands apart via it's depth, detail and replayability. A text-based Civilisation with more personality, if you will. I've lost countless hours to this game, and expect I'll lose many more; hats off to the devs, and I hope to see more like it.
Très bon jeu de rôle ★★★★★ [Canada]
Jeu avec une rejouabilité infinie. Je le recommande fortement!
Great game ★★★★★ [Croatia]
One of the kind!
Glorantha / Sartar comme si vous y étiez ★★★★★ [France]
L'ambiance de l'univers de Gloranha créé par Greg Stafford est parfaitement rendue dans ce jeu totalement différent de ce qu'on peut voir par ailleurs
As Challenging As Ever ★★★★★ [Japan]
Relatively simple to learn in terms of mechanics, King of Dragon Pass is difficult to master. It rewards the player's attention, both to details and the overall story. And it is almost never the same story twice, even from a similar starting point. I've been a fan and owner since the original MacOS version, and I like this one even better. The interface is improved, and the illustrations and music, which were already very good, are better still. And the gameplay and story remain as challenging as ever. Enjoy.
Epic win ★★★★★ [Russia]
Безумно крутая олдскульная стратегия/рпг, получившая второе рождение на ios. Порт идеален и под планшеты, и под телефоны. Даже если есть сомнения - берите. Такие игры больше не делают.
Интересная и оригинальная игра ★★★★★ [Russia]
Полноценная, интересная игра, без доната, коих мало в айсторе. Для тех, кто любит читать и думать.
I can't even tell you how many times I played this game ★★★★★ [Singapore]
Love it to bits.
Ett spel utan like... ★★★★★ [Sweden]
Inte bara på iphonen, utan alla plattformar. Tar ett tag innan man lär sig hur allt fungerar, men det är grymt underhållande -- även när man inte fattar allt. Rekommenderas starkt. Låt inte priset avskräcka heller, KoDP har minst lika många speltimmars värde som spel i stil med Skyrim, Dragon Age eller vilket annat stort spel till PC/Xbox/PS som helst. 5/5
Perfect ★★★★★ [Sweden]
My fav game on the iPad. A choose your own adventure combined with deep strategy and resource management all in a pretty package. A must have.
Fantastic ★★★★★ [United Kingdom]
As far as fantasy strategy/simulation games go on the App Store- you'd be hard pressed to find something better. Gorgeous visual style and addictive gameplay complete with a fascinating game world and lore make this a truly exceptional game. Offers a deep experience that no other game on my phone can come close to emulating. The price could easily have been twice as high and I'd still buy it.
A Game Like No Other ★★★★★ [United States]
Not a role-playing game or a Civilization clone, but a storytelling game.
Best IOS Game Ever ★★★★★ [United States]
This is probably the most interactive,strategic,and lore rich game on the App Store right now!I loved it so much,I seriously went around searching for other ios game like this and couldn't find any.Its difficulty is unforgiving!Its immersion is fantastic!Its artwork and script are well put together!You will not regret the hours you'll put into this great game! PS-Reading instructions and tutorials will help any new person to this game a huge deal^ ^!
Enchanting ★★★★★ [United States]
KODP is the greatest ipad rpg experience to date. The events are clever, almost impossible to predict, and playing without totally understanding the inner workings really gives the game a flavor of exploration and discovery few have achieved.
Great game ★★★★★ [United States]
This is a tremendously fun game of you like intelligent strategy within a complex mythology/universe
Hidden Gem ★★★★★ [United States]
This game was a huge surprise for me I had no idea how in depth and enjoyable it would be. If you want a good I highly recommend this.
Hours of fun ★★★★★ [United States]
KoDP is a really great game. Loads of content keep you coming back to try and manage the ultimate clan. Very akin to a more interactive Choose Your Own Adventure with exploration and town building/management elements. The app itself is top notch and plays great on iPhone or iPad. Definitely give KoDP a try.
Original ★★★★★ [United States]
I've never played a game like this. The gameplay and style are unlike anything else. Thoroughly original, like a giant choose your own adventure mixed with the art of Magic the Gathering.
Perfect. ★★★★★ [United States]
Brilliant translation from PC to iOS. This version is actually improved greatly from the original. Interface is fantastic. Gameplay is timeless.
Positively Fantastic. ★★★★★ [United States]
Just complex enough. Great storyline. Interactions with other tribes and clans is superb. Your choices now will have consequences years later. Excellent replay-ability. I return to this app time and again, and am never disappointed.
Utterly brilliant! ★★★★★ [United States]
Also, thanks for the update I started playing it again just now. What a strange coincidence. Replay value, story depth, gameplay and sound can really get you into it. Worth the price I paid for it years ago.
Wondrous Indeed ★★★★★ [United States]
By Far the very best game on the apple store in my personal opinion. Have had this game over a year and still play it constantly an consistently. Love the ability to expand and branch out. As well as the tribal system. I wish there was more room for larger clans the optimum seems to be 1k-1.1k, there should be a little more leeway. Besides that its is my favorite game by far. A must buy, recommended to all players serious and casual!
Kodp ★★★★★ [Australia]
Great game! Great illustrations!
Outstanding ★★★★★ [Australia]
This is one of my favourite games out there by far. A game from 1999 yet it's reputation and pure awesomeness of it makes it seem like it's better than any game on the App Store. Flappy bird can get wrecked by king of dragon pass. A truley worthy game for my iPad.
Amazing ★★★★★ [Canada]
Deep gameplay and a rare gem in the AppStore. If you are even remotely interested in this type of game then you will not be disappointed.
BEST GAME EVER! ★★★★★ [Canada]
Hands down, this is the best game i've ever played on a phone... Worth every cent!
Awazing Game ★★★★★ [United Arab Emirates]
This game is still amazing whether you are playing for the first or hundred time. Extremely creative and fun for all
Awesome ★★★★★ [United States]
This game. Just goddamn. Get this game. Kickin music and so much to discover! Lots of content and not too draining on the battery.
Perfect ★★★★★ [United States]
Best game ever
Practically perfect ★★★★★ [United States]
Cannot say enough good things about this game. To top it off it is well supported and new content just released. Wonderful RPG/CIV/Story game like no other. Very satisfying.
Storytelling at its finest! ★★★★★ [United States]
Classic fantasy storytelling. No flashy animations needed. Just superb art and words.
Storytelling done well ★★★★★ [United States]
KoDP is highly story focused, with randomly timed events which have consequences years down the line. It is far less a civilization-style management simulation and far more a politicking and plotting story game.
Amazing ★★★★★ [Australia]
Amazing game. Love it.
Just like the original! ★★★★★ [Denmark]
Fantastic game!
Fantastic port of a classic ★★★★★ [United Kingdom]
This is the type of game iOS games should aspire to, polished enhanced port of a classic clan sim/interactive story, chock full of lore, beautiful artwork, music and a great interface. No game is the same, and each is as engrossing as the next. The only thing I can fault is that I simply want more (and they're adding!). No game exists like this on the iPad, and I have lost many a day in the pursuit if trying to understand the mechanics that underly this game. Two years later it still surprises and challenges my decision making and management skills. Top notch! More please! The only game to top my 150h+ played on FTL, well worth the £££! Do yourself a favour, buy it and enjoy your couch for the next few weeks!
Just astonishing ★★★★★ [United Kingdom]
The iOS management game I've been looking for for literally months.
Amazing Fun ★★★★★ [United States]
Absolutely enthralling game. And the UI is phenomenal. I've never seen an old computer game better ported to an iPhone. Hours and hours of fun, and so much replay value! A must have for fantasy RPG/strategy gamers.
Delightful and deep. ★★★★★ [United States]
This game is unique and fascinating. You may find it hard at first, but rest assured, you will get better. Don't expect to find the one best answer to any problem; leader skills, luck, and other factors matter greatly. Be brave and honest, hope for the best, and keep trying. I've been playing KoDP for over ten years and I'm still finding new things.
great game ★★★★★ [United States]
best iphone game i have and the developer keeps updating with new content.
Amazing ★★★★★ [Australia]
There is literally no other game like this on the App Store. It's huge, detailed, in depth, and the characters are endearing. You feel loss when one of your best advisors dies, and not many games can do that. It's also HARD the first couple of times you play, but that makes it rewarding. Spoiler: don't agitate the dragon kin too early!
厳しい世界で生き抜く骨太シミュ ★★★★★ [Japan]
RuneQuest(Glorantha)の知識はそれなりにあるのですが、いやあそれでもこれは厳しい。牛を盗まれ、近隣氏族からは因縁をつけられ、獣人だ蛮族だと襲撃が続く。交易騒ぎがひと段落したかと思うと疫病が流行り……。万全の備えで挑んだヒーロークエストに失敗して有能な人材が倒れるとがっくりきます。逆境に次ぐ逆境、神々や精霊の力を得てもなお、Dragon Passで生き抜くのは大変です。Hardの難易度は相当きついでしょう。1999年のゲームの移植版でイベントは紙芝居状態ですが、いまでもアップデートが行われており開発陣のやる気と誠意を感じさせます。全く思った通りに氏族の歴史は進みませんが、自由な選択ができ、とても楽しめています。難は価格だけですね。
Ej juego de siempre muy mejorado ★★★★★ [Spain]
La edicion definitiva de King of the Dragon Pass, el juego basado en el universo creado por Greg Stafford. Infinitamente superior a la edicion de pc, consiste en gestionar la vida de un clan barbaro en todos los sentidos. Un gran juego de estrategia con gran complejidad que no te decepcionara si le das una oportunidad.
Amazing ★★★★★ [United States]
By far the best App on my iPhone right now. I just wish I hadn't bought it on vacation... I'm spending more time playing this than being in the pool.
Deep, well thought out game ★★★★★ [United States]
Simply put, slightly hard at first, but enjoyable deep without being silly in amount of details.
Rich text-based game ★★★★★ [United States]
This is a rich text-based interactive game. It has many role playing elements. Also it has a lot of replay value. The story can be a bit silly at times, but it is also very serious. The story has a very unique Norse-like lore.
GREAT GAME ★★★★★ [United States]
I'm a huge fan of this game since having it on PC so long ago. I recommend buying it for sure. If your playing games for a fun, yet thoughtful challenge, then this is the game for you. It's really great to see a game that isn't just mindless drivel and explosions or gun work. This game is a refreshing change nowadays. AND it's always fun to come back to after a hiatus. The only negative I can think of is that there aren't more of these games.. Playing as trolls or beast men or dragonnewts or any of the other fantastic species would be a blast! Edit: just started again. Can't believe I've been playing this for years and only beat it once :) Edit2: delighted to see new scenes coming to this game. The few negative reviews seem to be people that have trouble understanding written language, or not caring at all to get into the lore. (Everything you need for hero quests is readily available, part of the game is learning them, whether it's from sacrifices/blessings or other tribes).
I literally couldn't put it down for days absolutely awesome ★★★★★ [United Kingdom]
The most complex game I've ever played completely fantastic I'd recommend it to anybody especially because the voice-over support is so good
Episch ★★★★★ [Austria]
Gibt nichts vergleichbares. Clan-Simulation mit Rollenspiel. Viel Text, aber wenn man sich einliest ein episches Abenteuer.
Best app on the store ★★★★★ [United States]
Seriously, you're doing yourself wrong if you don't play this one through. Difficult, unique, quirky, and all around fun.
Favorite Game ★★★★★ [United States]
This is my favorite iOS game. Deeply engaging and continually challenging.
Flawless ★★★★★ [United States]
This can be brutally difficult, frustrating, and confusing. It is also a nearly flawless rpg masterpiece with real far-reaching consequences for actions. For the first week I didn't even know that you could restart days, and I STILL thought it was a great game. Buy it.
Another fact about the App Store: unless you really dig, you won’t see anything relating to an earlier version. And there are twelve earlier versions, each hiding previous reviews. Some of you have taken the time to review more than one version. Again, this really helps us. Thank you!
And one more sad fact: we have no way to reply to any review, positive or negative. If you want to make a suggestion, report a bug, or ask a question, please visit our Support page.
(See also some historical reviews.)